Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through your bloodstream and enter tissues, where they turn on
switches to the genetic machinery that regulates everything from reproduction to emotions to your sense of well being.
The body’s system of hormone production is formally known as the Endocrine System.
Hormones can be thought of as the chemical force that animates you physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Balanced levels are necessary for the optimal function of numerous physiological processes.
In today’s world, there are many environmental chemicals that act as endocrine disruptors that have a significant
impact on your body’s ability to utilize hormones both correctly and efficiently. In addition, there are many food and
water additives that also impact Endocrine/Hormonal health. Being aware of and avoiding these toxins and
stressors when possible will be a proactive step to improving your overall health.
The pituitary, pineal, thymus, thyroid, para-thyroid, adrenals, pancreas, kidneys, and re-productive glands are involved in hormone production and regulation. The various hormones produced by these organs and glands have specific functions within the body. Thyroid hormones, for example, help regulate metabolism, while the hypothalamus regulates emotional response and body temperature, among other things. The emotions of anger, anxiety, distrust, guilt, and feeling defeated all have a close energetic connection to the endocrine system. These emotions may both impact and be impacted by the health of the endocrine system organs and glands.Taking proactive steps related to your life-style can have a tremendous positive impact on your endocrine system and your overall health.
Below are a few tips to implement to improve the health of this system:
• Incorporate healthy fats such as avocados, cheese, and wild-caught salmon into your diet
• Eat protein-rich foods such as eggs, chicken, and fish
• Consume foods that are rich in probiotics (fermented yogurt, kimchi, etc.) or consider a probiotic supplement
• Practice meditation to help balance hormones
• Get enough sleep (7-8 hours a day)
• Exercise every day
• Limit your exposure to toxins such as pesticides and food additives