Chicory is for people who are overly possessive and whose care for others is self-centered and manipulative. These strong-willed people expect other people to conform to their values; they may be critical, interfering and nagging. they find it hard to give without expecting anything in return.
They dislike being alone and demand constant attention and service as a duty: typical is the possessively domineering parent who keeps adult children under his or her thumb. Although strong, they are self-pitying and easily offended. Some Chicory people will feign illness in order to gain attention – for example, the possessive parent who manifests ‘heart pains’ whenever a daughter tries to leave home.
They are often very talkative, opinionated and argumentative.
Chicory is also good for children who make constant and unreasonable demands for attention.
The positive potential of Chicory is seen in people who are able to care for others unselfishly, offering genuine maternal love. They give without expecting anything back and allow their loved ones to be themselves and live their own lives. Feeling fulfilled and self-assured, they no longer need other people’s assurance that they are worthy of love. They are warm, kind, concerned for others and sensitive to other people’s needs.