Zone 6 – Note F – Thymus: Conditional Love vs. Unconditional Love
Thorax Region: Emotion / Energetic
Conditional Love toward others is caused by an immature emotional foundation which uses rewards and punishments in an attempt to communicate expectations designed to supply the individual’s emotional needs. Punishments are often passive-aggressive in nature such as the silent treatment and withering glances or disapproving comments. The individual usually feels justified in their judgments and often builds a convincing case that they are right and others are wrong.
The individual often subjects himself to the same exacting standards, and berates himself for failing to live up to them. He may not take proper care of himself and fail to comprehend and accept appropriate social boundaries. Ironically, people who suffer from conditional love sometimes make a
great show of service. This may be motivated by a sincere (conscious) desire to serve, their hypersensitivity to judgment, or their knack for manipulation.
Conditional love is caused by the internalization of negative beliefs about the self-inadequacy, which leads to an attempt to generate emotional security through external conditions. Negative self perceptions may be induced by verbal abuse or worry as the individual (usually when young)
blames himself when seeking to understand others’ unkind, unloving, or unresponsive behaviors.
Conditional love may impair the immune and lymphatic systems, induce cancer, lung problems, and ear infections.
Emotional tolerance is possible only when one feels secure in his emotional self-identity. As the person is able to express tolerance toward self, he is able to extend tolerance to others. As Zone 6 energy releases, individuals grow free to exercise more mature methods of interacting with others and are sometimes surprised to realize how strongly their expectations had influenced their treatment of others.