The 9 Clairs

In recent years, the term “empath” has been expanded to include different ‘subcategories’ of empaths. While this is beneficial in terms of exploring how an empath experiences and reacts to the world in their own way, I prefer to stick with the traditional identifiers of the 10 ‘clairs.’ These are spiritual gifts that people can express at different points in their life. I believe that all humans have the potential to develop spiritual abilities, and that some may be more inclined to naturally manifest them, such as empaths. They are as follows:
- This refers to a person’s ability to acquire knowledge by feeling. A person who feels the vibration of other people, animals, and places is clairsentient. There are many degrees of clairsentience, ranging from the perception of thoughts and emotions in others to their illnesses and injuries. This ability differs from clairvoyance because the knowledge comes only from feeling in the body.
- This is an individual’s ability to acquire knowledge through feelings. An individual who can sense the vibration of people and animals is clairsentient. There exist many degrees of clairsentience like the perception of thoughts and emotions to their injuries and illness. There’s a difference between this and clairvoyance since the knowledge only comes from feeling in the body.
- Clairtangency is psychometry, which involves reading the object’s energy. The clairtangent has the ability to sense information about an item or its user or history that was previously unknown. Touching and reading a living being is also possible with clairtangency. This trait is portrayed in TV shows like ‘Psych’ with the character of Shawn Spencer and ‘Sherlock’ where the character deducts information about a person by touching them. However this exists in real life such as with law enforcement using this technique.
Peter Hurkos was one of the most renowned psychics in law enforcement history. He was 41 when he relocated from Holland to Los Angeles, California, where he became one of the century’s greatest psychics, utilizing psychometry as his method method of uncovering clues to crimes.
- The ability to know individuals and their energy is referred to as Claire empathy. If you have Claire empathy, you’ll experience thoughts or attitudes of a person. It may be difficult to differentiate your own emotions from the emotions of others if you’re highly empathic. With practice and training, you can develop a better sense of self-awareness and emotional boundaries.
The ability of clairempathy, sometimes referred erroniously as “empathy,” is considered by some to be the true “sixth sense.” People experiencing this gift of extra sensory perception (ESP) have the capability to act as emotional or medical surrogate for others, allowing them to genuinely experience what others are feeling physically and/or emotionally. Because our society for generations has underemphasized the importance of emotional development and expression, this ability is often seen as a weakness instead of a strength. It is the talents of those with Clairempathy that can teach others how to incorporate the underdeveloped emotional body into the whole self.
Claircognizance is having knowledge that goes beyond the five senses. It is an inner knowing that something is true, even if there is no logical explanation for why you know it to be true. Claircognizance is often described as a “gut feeling” or “inner voice.” This is the type of knowing that cannot be explained by logic or reasoning. In fact, many who posses this gift tend to be void of logic in many cases since it fully interrupts the gift from manifesting.
When an individual possesses clairvoyant knowledge despite any physical explanation or reason, logic has very little usage. Claircognizance is made of precognition and retrocognition meaning having knowledge about the future and of the past. What may be known with clear knowledge has no restrictions.
Clairvoyance is the most well known of the Clairs. It is the ability to perceive items, activities, or happenings that are distant from the present without using your eyes. Clairvoyance usually manifests as mental images, symbols, or movie-like clips.
It goes beyond time and space and might be a consequence of what you see with your third eye (also known as our mind’s eye) or pineal gland. It’s particularly useful in spotting impending danger, as well as analyzing a person’s character. Many people report having premonitions or dreams that come true.
- The ability to hear sounds or words as well as extrasensory noise from sources originating from the spiritual or ethereal realm. These tones exist outside the comprehension of normal humans and beyond the bounds of ordinary space and time. These are a few examples: body noises, animal noises, natural noises, human noises, manufactured object noises , manmade things noise, interactions between the above. It is easiest to “hear” these sounds when in meditation or right in between sleep and wakefulness (known as the theta state). In order to remain in this state without falling asleep, it’s helpful to practice with binaural beats at a barely audible volume.
- Also known as Clair scent or even clairscentency. It refers to the smell or fragrance, of an individual or a substance that are not in one’s surrounding. The smells are perceived without using the physical nose and beyond the limitations of space and time. These smells or fragrances are usually associated with individuals who have passed on, Angels, and other Beings of Light. When honing in on this gift the result is usually a very pleasant experience. One can become intimately connected with those who have passed on and who wish to help and assist in one’s spiritual journey. Clairalience is often associated with the sense of déjà vu. This is because in order to have the experience of déjà vu, you would need to have a memory of a past life or a parallel reality. Since memory is closely related to sense of smell, this is how the two are connected.
- This refers to tasting something without putting it into your mouth. It is the ability to receive psychic information through taste. It is often associated with precognition, as you may get a sense of what is to come. This may manifest as a physical taste in your mouth or simply an inner knowing of what something will taste like. It is often said that this is how clairvoyants “know” that something is going to happen, as they may get a sense of the future through taste. Clairgustance is also closely related to the sense of smell, as they are both associated with memory. When you have a memory of something, you may also get a sense of what it would taste like. This is why clairgustance and clairsalience are often experienced together.
Clairgustance is often thought of as one of the less essential or unappealing clairs. This one has truly been a helpful tool in my life. One of my favorite pass times is making delicious food. I’m regularly sent to the kitchen to “fix” a certain dish. I can smell the present cuisine and what additional scents it’s requesting in order to create a nutritious meal and taste. It’s as if it’s speaking to me through my taste buds.
Another example is a time when I went to see a life coach who had a metallic flavor on the tip of his tongue during our session. He mentioned the taste to me and I identified the taste of fluoride. Interestingly enough, our session was centered around my mother and the taste memory that emerged from it was the sensation of being forced to take a fluoride pill against my will. It was bedtime and we had just finished brushing our teeth when I was given the pill to chew. It tasted awful and I intuitively knew it was poison. I threw a huge tantrum, and my mother informed me that the dentist required it for dental health. I didn’t know how to argue with the information I was being given and the feelings I had inside. I still remember the awful taste to this day. Fortunately, my coach was utilizing his intuition to help me let go of a bad experience from my childhood.
- This involves using a combination of words so as to achieve a specific objective. It is the second Clair. Clairvoyance is the ability to see beyond the physical realm, while clairaudience is the ability to hear beyond the physical realm. Claircognizance is the ability to know beyond the physical realm. Clairalience is the ability to feel beyond the physical realm. And finally, claireloquence is the ability to speak beyond the physical realm. This could manifest as speaking in tongues, automatic writing, or simply communicating with beings in the spiritual realm. It is often said that this is the most powerful of the clairs, as it allows you to directly communicate with Spirit. If you want to see someone exude this gift, watch one of Wayne Dyers talks where you can see the relationship he build between his audience and himself.
I have experienced each one of these to varying degrees throughout my life. Despite the fact that I think it’s more beneficial to pick one or two of these gifts in your life that you want to enhance, some may find it helpful to work on all of them simultaneously. I often find that the more open I am to my intuition, the easier it is for me to develop. I provide individualized coaching for people who would like guidance through the initiation of learning to develop any one of these enlightening spiritual gifts.