Has been associated with music. Traditionally in China, jade was used to strengthen the body, increase longevity, and make men more fertile. Has long been used to treat eye problems and a variety of female concerns such as childbirth.
Jade is considered excellent for balancing the emotions, as it cools and calms the heart. It is also said to stop night terrors and nightmares. In addition, jade helps with childbearing, and it has been used to ease childbirth pain for centuries.
In China, jade is associated with the five chief virtues: courage, justice, mercy, modesty, and wisdom. Confucius said that jade is a reminder of the integrity of mind and soul. This is why many scholars and aristocrats wore jade during the Ming Dynasty.
Affects the heart, kidneys, larynx, liver, parathyroid, spleen, thymus, thyroid, and parasympathetic ganglia. Cleansing of the blood and a removal of toxemia through the kidneys.
Immune system disorders, kidney diseases, and the petrochemical miasm are eased with jade, and assimilation of iodine improves.
Generates Divine love, instinct is awakened.
*These benefits are directly correlated with use as an infoceutical remedy.
Many individuals who gravitate to specific gemstones may resonate with it’s energetic properties as well it’s the mineral content. For example, people susceptible to iodine deficiency may find relief by wearing pearl earrings to aid in iodine absorption. To better understand this connection we provide our clients with a hair mineral tissue analysis (HTMA) which can act as a guide. The HTMA is a non-invasive way of measuring the levels of minerals and heavy metals in your body.