Zone 9 – Note G# – Liver: Suppressed Anger vs. Appropriate Self Expression
Solar Plexus Region: Feeling / Response
Fear of confrontation and unwillingness to express emotions may lead to rejection, ridicule, or other conflict that robs the individual of self protection. This vulnerability may lead to anger designed to empower self defense, though the anger may also be suppressed. These suppression’s lead to frustration, general apprehension, anxiety, discouragement, manic depression, stubbornness, lack of self-approval, vulnerability, a sense of futility, a tendency to “fix” others and external situations in an effort to find satisfaction, and thoughts of suicide.
Betrayal, abuse, or mistreatment in circumstances where self-defense wasn’t possible or permissible (such as the faults and shortcomings of a parent) may worsen the condition and make forgiveness and letting go difficult.
Stress associated with frustration and apprehension may create problems with the liver, gallbladder, ascending colon, gas, Eustachian tubes, fallopian tubes, urethra, skin, cancer, stroke, neck and shoulder tension and migraine headaches.
With the release of Zone 9 energy, the individual often discovers a more generous perception of those who have wronged them. The weaknesses and errors of the offenders are seen with more compassion. Forgiveness then follows and further aids the release of stress and its effects. They are better able to employ their whole emotional self in dealing with life and thereby gain access to many personal resources. Challenges appear diminished and the individual may live a more fulfilling, satisfying life.
The following are some common signs and symptoms that may indicate a problem in Zone 9:
– feeling trapped, suffocated, or caged in
– feeling like you’re not allowed to express yourself fully
– feeling like your true self is not seen or valued by others
– feeling like you have to put on a mask or act in order to be liked or accepted
– feeling disconnected from others
– difficulty expressing your emotions
– difficulty forgiving others
– resentment towards those who have wronged you
– anger that is suppressed or expressed inappropriately
– liver problems, gallbladder problems, ascending colon problems, gas, Eustachian tube problems, fallopian tube problems, urethra problems, skin problems, cancer, stroke, neck and shoulder tension, migraine headaches
If you identify with any of the above, working on releasing energy in Zone 9 may improve your overall sense of well-being. Not only that but it may also help to improve any physical conditions that are related to stress in this area. To learn more about how to release energy in Zone 9, see the following resources below.
Related content:
When Anger Scares You: How to Overcome Your Fear of Conflict and Express Your Anger in Healthy Ways by John Lynch
Anger is a normal and healthy reaction that, if properly channeled, can be a potent source of energy and motivation for development. In this book, anger expert John Lynch shows readers how to overcome their fear of conflict and express their anger in healthy ways.
The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson.
This book provides detailed instructions on how to release trapped emotions. It is written by a chiropractor who wanted to find an answer to clients that came in with the same problems which were not resolving.
Forgiveness/Loving the Inner Child & Anger Releasing by Louise L. Hay
This book incorporates powerful visualization exercises to help the reader release anger and resentment towards self & others. Forgiveness is a major key to happiness and inner peace.
*This is one of twelve zones which are identifiable through a process of neurofeedback called Vocal Mapping (aka ZYTO EVOX). During a session you can speak about any topic while the software analyzes your voice for changes in emotional intensity. The changes are then used to generate a feedback loop and a report which identifies which of the twelve zones are most imbalanced. A typical session can last 20-45 minutes.