Introduction: How to Heal with Colors
Throughout history, color has been used to heal the body and mind. With color healing you can release stress and other negative emotions by focusing on the colors and their meanings.
Color is an important part of our lives – we can see it, feel it, taste it and even hear it. The human eye sees light waves in a spectrum of colors from red to violet. The wavelengths of different light waves correspond with different emotions so we experience joy or sadness based on the color that we are exposed to.
The meaning of colors varies depending on culture but most people associate green with balance, yellow with happiness or energy, red with love or anger.
When you are in the process of healing, color therapy is a powerful tool to help you heal. It can assist in managing your emotions and stress, overcoming mental blocks, and assisting with your overall well-being.
The color that you choose should have a meaning or provide some type of benefit to you. You want to avoid using colors that will have the opposite effect on what you are trying to achieve.
The colors we see around us every day have a profound effect on our mood and mental state. Colors can be used to signify, to create harmony, and even to communicate messages. This article will explore the nature of color and how it affects our psychology. Don’t miss the list of colors and their healing properties at the bottom.
What is the energy of color and how does it relate to creativity?
Color is an important aspect of creative work. It can impact your mood, the way you feel about what you’re working on, and how people perceive what you’re working on. It can even affect how creative you are!
There are many different ways that color can be used to help boost creativity. They can be used as a starting point for creative work by being the background or foreground, and they can help you create order out of chaos by providing a sense of organization and clarity to your thoughts.
Color can be used in all sorts of ways to help boost creativity. They can be the background for your work, or they can help you create something entirely new by being the foreground. When you’re feeling stuck, colors can help you get your creativity flowing again. Research has shown that color is a great way to spark creativity and improve the mood of anyone working in a confined space.
One rarely thinks about how you can use color to your advantage. In fact, many people don’t know that it’s possible! In the world of marketing, color is used to evoke specific emotions and associations. Certain colors in marketing are used to evoke specific emotions and associations. For example, purple is typically associated with royalty and luxury. Red is often associated with love or anger.
Which colors help you when you need that extra something to move you ahead in life? Let us know in the comments below.
How Colors Affect Us Mentally & Physically
Colors are important when you are trying to set up a space. They can also be used in marketing and branding. There are many different colors that can be used to bring different feelings out of people.
There are many studies that have been done about how colors affect people’s moods and perceptions of the world around them. Some colors make us feel happy or calm while others can make us feel sad or intimidated.
Colors are important in the world. They can be used in many different ways to make people feel a certain way or give them a message. They are often used for advertising, branding, and designs. Today, colors are also being used in psychology for its therapeutic effects. Specific colors like blue can make us feel calm while other colors like red can make us feel angry or sad.
Colors can affect our mood and emotions in both negative and positive ways.
For example, the color green is often associated with feelings of calmness, tranquility, and nature. The color blue is often associated with feelings of stability, intelligence, and trust.
Red is the color of fire, danger, passion, energy, strength and courage. It is associated with anger and aggression.
Blue is the color of the sky and sea which gives it a sense of peace, hope, security. It also suggests wisdom like that of an old man or woman.
Purple has associations with royalty because it was once worn by kings and queens in ancient times. It was considered to be a sacred color by the ancient Egyptians because it symbolizes immortality.
Green is associated with nature which gives it feelings of peace, relaxation, calmness while also giving us feelings of hope or new beginnings.
What Makes a Color a Primary Color?
A primary color is a “pure” hue which cannot be created by combining any other colors. Red, yellow, and blue are the most common primary colors. Primary colors are the building blocks of all other colors in a given system.
In art, a primary color is any one of several standard sets of three colors from which all other colors in an area can be mixed. In painting, this set typically contains red, yellow and blue; in pigment mixing or printing the set usually contains cyan, magenta and yellow or just cyan, magenta and black.
The importance of primary colors cannot be overstated. They are what enable artists to create vivid and compelling contrasts with other colors. Without them, life would be far less colorful than it is today.
Primary colors are the foundation of all other colors. Without them, artists could not create the vivid contrasts that are so important to producing compelling artwork. The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue.
How to Choose Which Colors Fits Your Needs and emotions?
Choosing colors can be hard, but there are many different things you can do to make it easier. The first thing you need to decide is whether you want bright or dark colors. Bright colors, like reds and yellows, are the best for feeling energized. Whereas dark colors like black and navy blue are better for feeling calm. Once you know what kind of feel you want your environment to have, it’s time to choose the right color.
You should start by choosing a color that will make your space feel warm or cool; this is where brightness or darkness comes in handy again because picking a bright color will usually bring warmth while picking a dark color will usually give off a cool vibe.
You may think it is easy to choose colors, but in reality there are many aspects we should take into consideration when choosing the best colors for our needs.
There are so many aspects to take into consideration, such as the tone of your energy, the audience you want to attract and more. The colors we choose should send a message and evoke certain feelings about our us, so we need to be careful when choosing them.
Color is a powerful and influential tool. It can make us feel happy and calm, it can make us feel sad and overwhelmed. The wrong color can be distracting or even create panic attacks in people with certain sensitivities or disorders.
Color Healing Properties:
Indications: Vascular, Dilation of blood vessels, depresses kidney action, induces sleep, lowers body temperature, indigestion.
Indications: Spleen, builds white blood cells, regulates tension of blood vessels and lowers high blood pressure. Maintains the potassium/sodium balance in the body. Bladder control, concussion, epilepsy, cramps, kidney (overactive), neuralgia, nervous and mental disorders, rheumatism, sciatica, scalp and skin disorders. Depresses all overactive conditions of the glands and organs. Appetite reducing, heart depressant, soothes nerves Serious mental conditions, diarrhea, insomnia, neuralgic headache, adrenal glands.
Indications: Parathyroid builder and stimulant, thyroid depressant, respiratory depressant, causes contraction, controls abscesses, lessens secretions, arrests discharges and hemorrhages, (astringent, antipyic, antiemetic, hemostatic). Promotes the production of phagocytes which destroy harmful micro-organisms. Mammary depressant – reduces milk production, (antigalactic), eases suffering, lessens excitement and over-activity, (sedative).
Indications: Fevers, depressant for motor nerves, fast pulse, pain, pulmonary sedative, infection or inflammation. Relaxation, heals physical and mental agitation. Sore throats, laryngitis, hoarseness, acute rheumatism, thumping headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia colitis, dysentery and diarrhea.
Turquoise – Blue
Indications: Fevers, depressant for motor nerves, fast pulse, pain, pulmonary sedative, infection or inflammation. Relaxation, heals physical and mental agitation. Sore throats, laryngitis, hoarseness, acute rheumatism, thumping headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, colitis, dysentery and diarrhea. Produces a favorable change in the processes of nutrition and repair in recent disorders, (acute alterative). Brain depressant. Skin tonic. Rebuilds burned skin, (antipyretic).
Indications: Produces a favorable change in the processes of nutrition and repair in recent disorders, (acute alterative). Brain depressant. Skin tonic. Rebuilds burned skin, (antipyretic).
Green – Turquoise
Indications: Sympathetic Nervous System, kidneys and liver. Stimulates the pituitary, dissolves blood clots, builds muscles, tissues and skin, gallbladder (gallstones), fevers and inflammation, soothing, calming. Produces a favorable change in the processes of nutrition and repair in recent disorders, (acute alterative). Brain depressant. Skin tonic. Rebuilds burned skin, (antipyretic).
Indications: Sympathetic Nervous System, kidneys and liver. Stimulates the pituitary, dissolves blood clots, builds muscles, tissues and skin, gallbladder (gallstones), fevers and inflammation, soothing, calming.
Lemon – Green
Indications: Dissolves blood clots. Produces a favorable change in the processes of nutrition and repair in persistent disorders, (Chronic alterative). Promotes coughing to expel mucus and fluids from the lungs and air passages (expectorant). Bone builder, by phosphorus effect. Brain stimulant. Thymus builder and stimulant. Mildly stimulates the digestive system (laxative). Sympathetic Nervous System, kidneys and liver. Stimulates the pituitary, dissolves blood clots, builds muscles, tissues and skin, gallbladder (gallstones), fevers and inflammation, soothing, calming.
Indications: Dissolves blood clots. Produces a favorable change in the processes of nutrition and repair in persistent disorders, (Chronic alterative). Promotes coughing to expel mucus and fluids from the lungs and air passages (expectorant). Bone builder, by phosphorus effect. Brain stimulant. Thymus builder and stimulant. Mildly stimulates the digestive system (laxative).
Indications: A motor (muscle) stimulant and nerve builder. Laxative, constipation, Circulation, Intestinal parasites, aids indigestion, diabetes, pancreas, loosened calcium deposits in neuritis and arthritis and stimulates eyes and ears. Insomnia, Diarrhea and Delirium. Mental Confusion.
Orange – Yellow
Indications: Calcium Deficiency, Asthmas and respiratory disorders, cramps and spasms, Aid to digestion, Thyroid, Liver, Nerve Tension, Increases Gland Activity, Blood Pressure, Alcoholic problems, Lungs, Bronchitis. Activated the thyroid, depresses the parathyroid gland, digestion, sluggish colon, intestines, Menstrual cramps, Carbuncles and abscesses to a head, liver, spleen, stomach complaints, kidney stones and gravel, gallstones, Gout, Rheumatism and arthritis. A motor (muscle) Stimulant and nerve builder. Laxative, constipation, Circulation, Intestinal parasites, aids indigestion, diabetes, pancreas, loosened calcium deposits in neuritis and arthritis and stimulates eyes and ears. Insomnia, Diarrhea and Delirium. Mental Confusion.
Indications: Calcium deficiency, asthmas and respiratory disorders, cramps and spasms, aid to digestion, thyroid, liver, nerve tension, increases gland activity, blood pressure, alcoholic problems, lungs, bronchitis. Activates the thyroid, depresses the parathyroid gland, digestion, sluggish colon, intestines, menstrual cramps, carbuncles and abscesses to the head, liver, spleen, stomach complaints, kidney stones and gravel, gallstones, gout, rheumatism and arthritis.
Red – Orange
Indications: Used to stimulate the body in a constructive manner and has been used to disperse congestion, anemia, hemorrhages, poor circulation, sluggish intestines, blood pressure, erysipelas, urticaria, scarlet fever, measles and eczema, inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, neuritis and fractures. Stimulates nerves, liver, paralysis and bactericidal in effect. calcium deficiency, asthmas and respiratory disorders, cramps and spasms, aid to digestion, thyroid, liver, nerve tension, increases gland activity, blood pressure, alcoholic problems, lungs, bronchitis. Activated the thyroid, depresses the parathyroid gland, digestion, sluggish colon, intestines, Menstrual cramps, carbuncles and abscesses to a head, liver, spleen, stomach complaints, kidney stones and gravel, gallstones, gout, rheumatism and arthritis.
Indications: Used to stimulate the body in a constructive manner and has been used to disperse congestion, Anemia, Hemorrhages, Poor Circulation, Sluggish Intestines, Blood Pressure, Erysipelas, Urticaria, Scarlet fever, Measles, and Eczema, Inflammation, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sciatica, Neuritis and fractures. Stimulates nerves, Liver, Paralysis and Bactericidal in effect.
Indications: Kidney and adrenal stimulant, increases functional activity of the arteries. General stimulant. Raises blood pressure by three effects: Contracts the blood vessels, (vasoconstrictor), increases the heart rate, stimulates activity of the kidneys and adrenals, also the systemic front and back. Accelerates fetal expulsion at time of delivery, (ecbolic). Emotional stimulant. Builds the sex powers by increasing sensitivity and desire when deficient, (aphrodisiac). Stimulates the reproductive system, and menstrual function, (emmennagogue).
Indications: Emotional equilibrator, and auric builder, systemic front. Builds and equilibrates functional activity of the heart, blood circulatory system, kidneys and adrenals, , also the systemic front and back, reproductive system, kidneys.